
Our cool Vintage California Rainbow Baby Love Tees/10% of sales goes to the NHS


Our vintage Designer California Baby Love rainbow print Tees, made with love using 100% soft cotton to match mummy…Baby love baby love… try it with our beautiful……

What would be nicer than this, a cute Tee in white with a scoop neckline, handmade in California using old fashioned silk screen prints with a hand drawn baby love placement print in a beautiful rainbow effect.

Be a Little Rock star in this cool retro seventies rainbow print full of love!


Our Vintage Designer California rainbow Baby Love Tees, for girls and boys.

Made with love,  using 100% soft cotton to match mummy…Baby love baby love

What would be nicer than this, a cute Tee in white with a sweet neckline, handmade in California using old fashioned silk screen prints with a hand drawn baby love placement print in a beautiful rainbow effect.

Be a Little Rock star in this cool retro seventies rainbow print full of love!

Additional Information

Age 2, Age 4

